My average speed for the ride was 11.6ph - which for me was pretty awesome. I've look at my ride details from the week before and I was at 10.6 mph. I call that a huge improvement. :)
I was able to complete 64 out of the 80 miles. We ran short on time and I had to stop or else I wouldn't make the train on time. Honestly I'm happy with the time and distance. I was able to complete the 64 pretty much injury free. I did bike with an ice pack for a few hours - talk about yummy coldness. I know sounds odd, but it is what works for me.
Being behind my friend Bobbi really helped. I didn't want to ride alone and in order to do that I had to keep up with her. It really did help me go faster. Thank you Bobbi! Yeah and helmet pictures are really 'fugly'.
The best part of the ride, for me at least, was riding through Camp Pendelton. I would look over and see signs for the firing range, and then the mess hall..memories. I even loved seeing the family carnival being put on by the MCCS. Yeah the base it self is boring but just being there made me happy. I gave the MP at the guard gate my cutest 'Semper Fi' and I got an 'OhhRah'. Yeah it's like that. OK you had to be there.
After the ride, a nice cold gluten free beer. Yes it was delicious and totally worth it.
Went home and took the best ice bath with some epson salt and added some bubbles for fun.
The baby shower for baby Nicholas Alexander
This isn't training related but I just want to post about it. The next day I thew my son and his girlfriend, Natalie, a baby shower. I haven't downloaded my camera photos but here are a few I took from my son.
of my cousins mentioned that the baby shower was so Pinterest like.
Have to admit with my busy schedule it was all put together with ideas
from Pinterest. It really made it stress free on my part.
Week 22 - Recovery Week.
This week went by so fast. Work has been super busy Traing has been going well and the hip is still feeling great. I've been taping it and that makes a huge difference. Tape and ice ice! I got this new stuff called RockSauce by Rocket Tape. I smell like an old lady but it's amazing! works!
We train and take funny photos.
Ladies..Jay is not flexible. Yep that is what he said.
Saturdays' ride was in Westlake. We laughed when we realized it was only a 2 hour ride with a 1 hour run.
My ride went pretty well. My average speed was 11.4 mph. My hip felt good - telling you this taping thing works. I even tested out my aerobars and let me tell you I love them things. I iced right afterwards and then went on a 1 hour run. By a fast runner's standards I am slow, by my broken hip standards I ran like a rock star. Any day I am without pain is a rock star type of day.
No photos to post.
I was also presented the Spirit Award by my friend and teammate Kelie. It was such an honor to know I can motivate and inspire my teammates. Thank you Kelie you really made my day.
Sunday was another day of Aqua Jogging. Uneventful but nice. I love recovery week.
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